Oil Dehydrator System Yields Excellent ROI for Way Oil

By Daniel Ryan, Roll Shop Manager, ArcelorMittal, Riverdale

Way oil is both an important and costly item necessary for the operation of the Pomini roll grinders in the roll shop at the Riverdale facility. Riverdale’s roll shop was experiencing a problem due to water contamination of the way oil on the west grinder. The contamination resulted in emulsification of the oil and water. When this occurs the way oil drains clog which prevents the way oil from properly being recycled in the system and it is ultimately lost to water treatment. 

After discussing the issue, the Grinder Operators suggested implementing a dehydrating system that removes the water to prevent the emulsification of the oil and water. This was brought to our attention by Quality Hydraulics & Pneumatics salesman Jeff Bready. The MP Filtri DH100 Dehydrator was purchased in December of 2013. The dehydrator was received and put into operation in April of 2014. Since the dehydrator was placed into service, Riverdale’s Roll Shop has realized savings in way oil and way oil filters costs for the 2014 year. These savings offset the cost of the new equipment.

The Grinder Operators are very satisfied with the MP Filtri DH100 Dehydrator. Besides the cost savings on the oil and filters the downtime on the machine is minimized which allows them to be more productive on other things that need to be done in the shop.